Welcome To

Huntsville Giveaway

WillsMusicRoom.com offers drum lessons designed

to improve your musical skills through an extensive library

of music PlayAlongs that

will enhance your sensitivity

and interpretation of music !

"I was born with music inside me. Music was one of my parts. Like my ribs, my kidneys, my heart. It was a force already within me when I arrived on the scene. It was a necessity for me -- like food or water." Ray Charles

Quotes from the G.O.A.T.'s...

Here's a special opportunity to share your talents with the World !

Record yourself with a W.M.R. PlayAlong and get a review from our Event Judges and a chance to Win Door Prizes from our sponsors !

Enter the "Take The Gig" PlayAlong Contest today !

Click below for details !

sponsored by WillsMusicRoom.com in association with Pope's School Of Percussion, Huntsville AL.

R.I.P. Aaron Spears

This One Is For You !

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Featured PlayAlong

  • The American Songo pattern and how to incorporate a relaxed feel and phrasing into the pattern for an authentic sound.

  • Reading through arranged band hits in Intro & Outro as you adlib in & around them.

  • Identifying the musical form of "Songo Song" so that you are complementing and orchestrating with the song not against it.

  • "Songo Song" features a short drum solo section set up as a call & answer with the band. You are challenged to deliver a meaningful solo to include phrasing in the style of the song but you can also just blow through and have some fun !

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Here's a PlayAlong sample of Yellowjackets, "Freedomland" by Russ Ferrante.

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